I want to generate QR codes, and for this I need Reed-Solomon error correction encode and decode (for future reading QR codes). I found this commercial library: https://github.com/pjkundert/ezpwd-reed-solomon and I want to try it. It's said that this library works with C++ and javascript, I want to use it under C++ QT. I downloaded source code from github, put ezpwd folder in my project and I try to use this sample code:
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <ezpwd/rs>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
vector<int8_t> data;
ezpwd::RS<255,251> rs;
rs.encode( data);
return a.exec();
But this error occurs:
dependent '..\reed_solomon_lib_test\rslib.h' does not exists
It is first time I see something like this, usually there should be some header .h and sourse .cpp files). I was searching for this rslib.h but there is no such file in directory that I downloaded from github. I think I don't know about step that everyone knows, something like build this library first. Please explain what should I do to use this library.