In my current XSL-FO Master-Flow declaration, my body section overflows my footer.
w.write("<fo:simple-page-master master-name=\"main-master\" ");
w.write("page-height=\"11in\" page-width=\"8.5in\" margin-top=\".5in\" ");\
w.write("margin-bottom=\".5in\" margin-left=\".5in\" margin-right=\".5in\">");
//w.write("<fo:region-body margin-top=\"20mm\" margin-bottom=\"4in\"/>");
w.write("<fo:region-body margin-top=\"25mm\" margin-bottom=\"1in\" space-after=\"1.5in\"/>");
w.write("<fo:region-before extent=\"13mm\"/>");
w.write("<fo:region-after region-name=\"footer\" extent=\"0mm\"/>");
As suggested in this question I have tried adjusting the margin-bottom and extent of region-after, to no avail. Previously the margin-bottom was set to 4 inches to prevent this (due to the large image needed at the bottom of my page body) but this creates an unsightly large empty space at the bottom of each page. And space-after does not seem to help either.
How can I prevent the body of my xsl-fo text from overflowing onto my footer?