
I need to override the back button function for both buttons:

  • the back icon on top left corner of nav-bar
  • the hardware back button (for example in android)

but only for one specific view, not globally. How can i do that?

The back button on the navigation bar should not exist when you are at the home view. so i did not need to override the back function of the navigation bar.Mulgard

2 Answers


This code is for android button, while the button on the navigation bar is a bit more simple:

Android button :

$ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(function (event) {
    alert("button back");
}, 100);

Ionic button :

You can edit your topic and see how you have defined your menus and your views?


It is possible to override the back button functionality for both buttons from within your controller. Here is the code for that:

// run this function when either hard or soft back button is pressed
var doCustomBack = function() {
    console.log("custom BACK");

// override soft back
// framework calls $rootScope.$ionicGoBack when soft back button is pressed
var oldSoftBack = $rootScope.$ionicGoBack;
$rootScope.$ionicGoBack = function() {
var deregisterSoftBack = function() {
    $rootScope.$ionicGoBack = oldSoftBack;

// override hard back
// registerBackButtonAction() returns a function which can be used to deregister it
var deregisterHardBack = $ionicPlatform.registerBackButtonAction(
    doCustomBack, 101

// cancel custom back behaviour
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {

Make sure to inject $rootScope into the controller.

For more details and a proper explanation, see my full answer at related question: