I try to add a UILabel by code which works, but not as intended.
With following Code I can see the label but the height of the label is not correct as you can see in the attached screen. I would like the uilabel sized so the height of the label corresponde to the fontsize.
Of course I could simply oversize the UILabels high so the text would fit. But I don't think thats best practice.
How do I size an UILabel based on a fontsize ?
var uilabel1=UILabel();
uilabel1.frame=CGRectMake(0, drawy, screenwidth, ititlesize);
uilabel1.font = UIFont(name: uilabel1.font.fontName, size: 28);
var lastelementheigth=uilabel1.frame.height;
UPDATE Solution with sizeToFit()
Thanks for the answer regarding sizeToFit(). This did the trick with some additional code to position the control. updated Code:
var uilabel2=UILabel();
//uilabel2.frame=CGRectMake(0, drawy, screenwidth/2, DropdownHeigth);
uilabel2.font = UIFont(name: uilabel2.font.fontName, size: iFontsize_Option);
uilabel2.frame.origin = CGPoint(x: 0, y: drawy);
? – jtbandes