I'm creating a programfor project tango in Unity and i'm trying to make a class implementing ITangoDepth. Just for testing I've made this class implement the method OnTangoDepthAvailable just for printing a text, so I can see the thing workin. I can't -.-' This is what I have:
public void Start(){
m_tangoApplication = FindObjectOfType<TangoApplication>();
public void OnTangoDepthAvailable(TangoUnityDepth tangoDepth)
// Calculate the time since the last successful depth data
// collection.
debug = "Depth Available";
I've enabled Depth in TangoManager too.
I've been a long time studying the code in Point Cloud example but i don't see what else do I have to set to enable the depth sensor. Can anyone help me make this work?
Thanks so much :)
EDIT: OK. I think i found the problem, but it created another one: in my app I'm using a material that shows what the camera sees in a plane in front of the camera. When i disable this plane it all works properly. Is it possible that camera and depth sensor can't work the same time??