I'm having trouble mapping joda time zones to windows time zones.
I use the xml of CLDR mappings, and it works for most of the translations.
nevertheless, it doesn't have values for several joda time zones:
America/Indiana/Indianapolis, BST, Australia/Victoria, Universal, Australia/NSW, America/Fort_Wayne, Africa/Asmara, America/Kentucky/Louisville, Asia/Kashgar, US/Pacific, Australia/West, Australia/Queensland, Australia/South, US/Eastern, US/Central, US/Arizona, Australia/Tasmania, NZ, US/Mountain, Australia/Eucla, GMT, Japan, CAT, Etc/GMT+0, CST, PST, EST, Australia/Canberra, Mexico/General, Israel, Canada/Eastern, Etc/GMT+9, Canada/Central, Australia/North
Where can I find the mapping between these joda timezones to windows timezones?