I'm trying to create an AWS EC2 ansible playbook that:
1) first allocates one VPC each on three Regions which are: us-west-1, ap-northeast-1 and eu-west-1.
2) Finds the latest ubuntu AMI for each region (ec2_ami_search),
3) then using the discovered results from 1) and 2), create one EC2 instance per region with the latest ubuntu AMI (for the region) with Availibility Zones us-west-1a, ap-northeast-1a and eu-west-1a, respectively.
With Ansible, I had no problem with step 1) and 2) which was simply:
- name: create a vpc
state: present
region: "{{ item.region }}"
internet_gateway: True
resource_tags: { env: production}
- cidr:
az: "{{ item.az }}"
env: production
tier: public
- subnets:
- dest:
gw: igw
- region: us-west-1
az: us-west-1a
- region: ap-northeast-1
az: ap-northeast-1a
- region: eu-west-1
az: eu-west-1a
- name: Get the ubuntu trusty AMI
ec2_ami_search: distro=ubuntu release=trusty virt=hvm region={{ item }}
- us-west-1
- ap-northeast-1
- eu-west-1
register: ubuntu_image
and the outputted for the ubuntu_image variable with debug module:
TASK: [print out ubuntu images] ***********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"ubuntu_image": {
"changed": false,
"msg": "All items completed",
"results": [
"aki": null,
"ami": "ami-b33dccf7",
"ari": null,
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": "distro=ubuntu release=trusty virt=hvm region=us-west-1",
"module_name": "ec2_ami_search"
"item": "us-west-1",
"serial": "20150629",
"tag": "release"
"aki": null,
"ami": "ami-9e5cff9e",
"ari": null,
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": "distro=ubuntu release=trusty virt=hvm region=ap-northeast-1",
"module_name": "ec2_ami_search"
"item": "ap-northeast-1",
"serial": "20150629",
"tag": "release"
"aki": null,
"ami": "ami-7c4b0a0b",
"ari": null,
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": "distro=ubuntu release=trusty virt=hvm region=eu-west-1",
"module_name": "ec2_ami_search"
"item": "eu-west-1",
"serial": "20150629",
"tag": "release"
However, I couldn't figure out how to make step 3) take the result from the ubuntu_image register variable and then determine which of the 3 AMIs and Subnets the given EC2 instance belonged. See below where as a workaround I manually hardcoded the ami and subnet value which I simply got from the printout from the above ubuntu_image printout:
- name: start the instances
image: "{{ item.ami }}" # MANUALLY HARDCODED
region: "{{ item.region }}"
instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
assign_public_ip: True
key_name: "{{ item.name }}"
group: ["http deployment", "ssh deployment", "outbound deployment"]
instance_tags: { Name: "{{ item.name }}", type: ss, env: production}
exact_count: "{{ count }}"
count_tag: { Name: "{{ item.name }}" }
vpc_subnet_id: "{{ item.subnet }}" #MANUALLY HARDCODED
wait: yes
register: ec2
- region: us-west-1
name: ss12
ami: ami-b33dccf7 # MANUALLY HARDCODED
subnet: subnet-35a22550 # MANUALLY HARDCODED
- region: ap-northeast-1
name: ss21
ami: ami-9e5cff9e # MANUALLY HARDCODED
subnet: subnet-88c47dff # MANUALLY HARDCODED
- region: eu-west-1
name: ss32
ami: ami-7c4b0a0b # MANUALLY HARDCODED
subnet: subnet-23f59554 # MANUALLY HARDCODED
While hardcoding ami/subnet works, can you think of a solution for me to avoid this hardcoding of the ami/subnet? I tried messing with set_fact to no avail as I couldn't get it to become a dictionary of "region to ami" value mappings