
How to visualize the following XML

  <node1>  some text  </node1> 
  <node2>  <node22/>  <node23/>  </node2>  
  <node1>  some text  </node1> 
  <node2>  <node22/>  <node23/>  </node2>  

The name of these node1, node12, node13, Root nodes are known, but name1, name2, etc. are unknown in advance.

The desired output should be a set of two tables for each name, one for node1 and other for node2.

My problem is that I can't iterate over nameX because I don't know the exact name of the node. In the example above I used nameX but it can be any valid name.

Could you add the expected output of your example?Filburt

1 Answers


The desired output should be a set of two tables for each name, one for node1 and other for node2.

Try it this way:

XSLT 1.0

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>

<xsl:template match="/Root">
        <xsl:for-each select="*">
                <!-- build your table here -->
