Our Cloud dataflow job has failed this morning with the following error:
Jul 20, 2015, 7:02:57 AM (41114dff4e115290): Workflow failed. Causes: (ba1dfdda2b6af333): Map task completion for Step "Clicks_07_2015-BQ-Read+Clicks_07_2015-ParDoDFP-transform+Clicks_07_2015-BQ-Write" failed. Causes: (3bcd8d4fd3828211): No exported files "gs://path/to/file/*.json" found after export of table "Clicks_07_2015" in dataset "--dataset--" in project "{--project--id--}".
This Job has been running successfully for the past few days without any code changes and has failed this morning. We can see that there is a json file in this cloud storage folder so i'm not sure why this could have failed. Is this a bug?
Job Id: 2015-07-19_14_01_42-8050965853069761045