
In Isabelle2014 I was able to define a generic function which takes a natural number and a real number and outputs a real number in the following way:

definition example :: "nat ⇒ real ⇒ real"
where "example i = real"

However, I am unable to this in Isabelle2015. I get the following error:

Bad head of lhs: "λx. example i (real x)"
The error(s) above occurred in definition:
"λx. example i (real x) ≡ real"

Has the method of defining a generic real function changed in the newer version of Isabelle? How can I define a generic function as I used to?

I've looked through the newer Isabelle documentation however I have been unable to find anything which relates to the following case.

What precisely do you mean by “generic”?Joachim Breitner
Do you want to define a function ignoring its first argument, or a function converting the first argument from nat to real, ignoring the second argument? In both cases, the example you will not do what you want, neither in 2014 or 2015.Lars Noschinski
@LarsNoschinski I want to define a function which ignores the first argument and outputs a real number using the second argument. The output will be of type real, however I want to avoid using a specific functional form. How would I be able to achieve this?A K
@JoachimBreitner Apologies for the confusion; by generic I mean I want to avoid explicitly defining a function and instead just work with a real outputA K

2 Answers


Myself, I always have on declare[[show_sorts=true]] and declare[[show_consts=true]], so I see things about type classes and types that I otherwise wouldn't see and think about.

In Isabelle2015, you have

term "real :: 'a∷real_of => real".

But in Isabelle2014, it's

term "real :: 'a::type => real".

Apparently, the type class real_of is new in Isabelle2015.

I use the command print_classes in both Isabelle2015 and Isabelle2014, and search on the results in the output panel.

Nothing shows up for real_of in Isabelle2014, but in Isabelle2015 I get

class real_of:
  supersort: type
    real :: 'a => real
    int :: real_of
    nat :: real_of

This shows that only int and nat have been instantiated for real_of. You can change your example to this:

definition example :: "nat => 'a::real_of => real" where 
  "example i = real"

When the argument is already of type real, then you do not need any conversion function, and the function you want is just:

definition example :: "nat ⇒ real ⇒ real" where
  "example i x = x"

Alternatively, if you want to omit the second argument, use example i = id instead.