
I need your help:

I am using Google AdWords API PHP library and integrated it in Symfony2. I generate the URL to get the Refresh_token and it seems to work fine, I receive the refresh token. But everytime I want to access the API I get an "invalid_grant" error.

I checked my gMail-Test Account and couldn't find my App.

So that's what I do:

I generate the Access-URL, it's working fine:


I click on it and accept it, so that my "AdWords Web" App can access and manage my Google AdWords Account.

Google then redirects me to my Redirect_uri and is sending the refresh_token:


But the "AdWords Web" App isn't connected. I can't find it on my Google Account Apps list, although I get a successful answer and the refresh token.

Anyone can help? I'm helpless and can't find whats wrong :/


1 Answers


Ok, I found it! Google doesn't return the refresh token with. Google returns an Access_token which then can be used to generate the refresh_token.

            $AdWordsUser->GetOAuth2Info(), $code, $redirectUri));

with the Access_token generated by Google using the $redirectUri

$code = $this->get('request')get->('code');

When you first attempt to get the refresh_token by your access token, Google adds it to the "My Apps" site on your personal Google Account. :)