I'm attempting to display data from my databases in RethinkDB (using the rethinkdb-elixir package from Hamiltop https://github.com/hamiltop/rethinkdb-elixir) in Phoenix. I'm relatively new to both, but I already managed to insert two tables and some data into those tables. I know this because I checked it through RethinkDB's web GUI.
Now I want to display table data in an html page of my project. I've reduced the errors to one:
protocol Phoenix.HTML.Safe not implemented for %RethinkDB.Collection{data: [%{"first_name" => "Carlos", "id" => "4be8adc3-0973-45dc-bdb8-7a4dac6528d5", "last_name" => "Santos"}, %{"first_name" => "Carlos", "id" => "c84658fc-e4a4-4cb6-8107-b011ca996abd", "last_name" => "Santos"}, %{"first_name" => "Carlos", "id" => "c09fe081-379a-4334-97a3-31c5503c8c61", "last_name" => "Santos"}, %{"first_name" => "Carlos", "id" => "cf0c0ad3-3152-40f0-b613-5b051a314b51", "last_name" => "Santos"}, %{"first_name" => "Carlos", "id" => "ca28a714-ed54-4ebd-8707-d53170ead0f7", "last_name" => "Santos"}, %{"first_name" => "Carlos", "id" => "1ea77c0f-538c-4663-be92-499f16996594", "last_name" => "Santos"}, %{"first_name" => "Carlos", "id" => "1ea74846-0860-4ae5-95f5-674860cf7fc6", "last_name" => "Santos"}]}
Clearly it is fetching all the inserted Carlos Santos persons from the table (which I also must prevent but that is not my main issue) but having an error retrieving them to my Phoenix project.
I've got an index page in whose controller I create the tables and data. Then I added a new page: router.ex:
get "/users", UsersController, :users
defmodule RethinkExample.UsersView do
use RethinkExample.Web, :view
<div class="jumbotron">
<p><%= @users %>!</p>
defmodule RethinkExample.UsersController do
use RethinkExample.Web, :controller
use RethinkDB.Query
def users(conn, _params) do
q = table("users")
|> filter(%{last_name: "Santos"})
|> RethinkExample.Database.run
|> IO.inspect
render conn, "users.html", users: q
I deduce that the html code is also incorrect, because this is how I would display the route specific id inside the html tags. How can I fetch the data successfully and then display it in a html tag?