I'm having problems trying to import a portlet into Eclipse IDE.
First i tried File/ New / Liferay Project from Existing Source. As soon as i add my Lferay Project Location the message ]"Project is not located inside Liferay Plugins SDK" shows up. This is the location of my portlet C:\liferay-plugins-sdk-\portlets\valisa2014-portlet, so the error message makes no sense to me. I have confirmed that the portlet is indeed inside my sdk.
I have also tried to import the porlet by File / Import and then Liferay -> Liferay Project from Existing Source, same thing as soon as i put my Liferay project location the same error message will show up:"Project is not located inside Liferay Plugins SDK"
And finally i tried Import -> Import Liferay Projects, Im able to select my SDK and on the "Projects to Import" options i can see my portlet but i got an "Invalid Plugin SDK Location" as soon as i select my sdk.
I really don't understand what's going on, my sdk is already configured on Eclipse and it have worked in the past when importing another portlets or themes to Eclipse, my build.user.properties have also worked in the past (this is a project i have been working on for months) so i don't know why i'm not able to import this portlet.
Im using Liferay 6.2, Tomcat 7, Eclipse Kepler Service Release 2.