I have a family of data types indexed by type-level integers, and I define them as instances of some type class in a "piecewise" manner, which causes problems when trying to derive instances of another class. To illustrate, I have isolated the problem as follows. Consider this code:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances,
FlexibleInstances , UndecidableInstances #-}
data Zero
data Succ n
type One = Succ Zero
type Two = Succ One
type Three = Succ Two
class Nat n where
toInt :: n -> Int
instance Nat Zero where
toInt _ = 0
instance Nat One where ------------------------- START MODIFY
toInt _ = 1
instance (Nat n) => Nat (Succ (Succ n)) where
toInt _ = 2 + toInt (undefined :: n) --------- END MODIFY
This is a slight modification of the type-level integers defined in "Fun with type functions" by Kiselyov, Jones and Shan. This compiles fine and toInt
seems to work as expected. Right now Nat
contains all integers Zero
, One
, Two
and so on.
However GHC complains after I add the following lines and recompile:
class LikeInt n where
likeInt :: n -> Int
instance (Nat n) => LikeInt (Succ n) where
likeInt = toInt
Error: Could not deduce the (Nat (Succ n))
arising from a use of "toInt
" from the context (Nat n)
My guess is that when GHC infers that toInt
has an argument of type Succ n
, but the only instances for Nat
are for Zero
, Succ Zero
and (Nat n0) => Succ (Succ n0)
, and Succ n
matches to none of those. This guess is supported by a successful compile when I replace the MODIFY
block with the original
instance (Nat n) => Nat (Succ n) where
toInt _ = 1 + toInt (undefined :: n)
How can I get likeInt
to work just like toInt
, even with the modified block? This is important for my actual project.
? – András KovácsLikeInt
it fails. – Herng Yi