
I have written out a SQL query for Microsoft SQL Server, but now I am trying to convert it into SAS PROC SQL and I am running into issues.


║   Name   ║ Question ║ Answer ║
║ Jane Doe ║ Q1       ║ Q1-Yes ║
║ John Doe ║ Q1       ║ Q1-No  ║

I want to get rid of the "Q1-" in the Answer column and output it as just "Yes" or "No".

In SQL, the code I used is:

SUBSTRING (AnswerTXT, CHARINDEX('-', AnswerTXT)+1, LEN (AnswerTXT)) as 'Answer'

In SAS, I figured out I need to change it in PROC SQL. This is what I got so far:


I have tried Index and Scan and keep getting this type of error:

CLI describe error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server][SQL Server]'scan' is not a 
   recognized built-in function name.


will you always have 3 characters you need to strip off, in the answer column?Vamsi Prabhala
Why not just use pass-through and write the SQL using native T-SQL?Gordon Linoff
@vkp: Sadly no, sometimes it will be more than 3 characters.vanellope1
That error sounds like it is a pass through query, @GordonLinoff ... or else this is something else odd.Joe
@GordonLinoff I think the question didn't include the correct syntax.Joe

1 Answers

SUBSTR(answer, INDEX('-',answer)+1, length(answer))

Try this