I have subscriptions that are failing to run giving the error:
Failure sending mail: An error has occurred during report processing.Mail will not be resent.
The report runs fine when requested manually through the server so I know the datasource and connection work.
Inside the SSRS database the only information I can get is from the ExecutionLogStorage saying:
The ExecutionLogStorage table also shows the TimeStart and TimeEnd being 1 second apart, on a report that takes 2+ minutes to run manually. The report has not failed a single time when running manually, only fails through the subscription.
The windows event viewer does contain some errors about a TERADATA extension but they do not coincide with the subscription failures.
The logs located in \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.Reporting\Reporting Services\LogFiles do not even contain an entry for that subscription during failure at all.
I'm not sure where to go for more information, I need to know why this subscription is failing, we have the workaround of manually running the report and manually emailing it out after converted to excel but that's not a viable solution going forward.