
I have an apex page that has some search items filled by the user. One of these items is a check-box with 4 values used to search. For example, 4 check-boxes(but only 1 item) with the values A:B:C:D. I have 4 reports(one for each check-box value), that must be showed only in case of the corresponding check-box is marked. So, I put a SQL condition in each report, ex: for report 1, condition => :P324_MY_CHECKBOX like '%A%', for report 2, condition => :P324_MY_CHECKBOX like '%B%' ...

When user fill the form, he clicks on "Search" button that invokes a dynamic action. This DA sets the items on the session and refresh the 4 reports. The expected result would be to show only some regions, according to the selected check-boxes. The problem is that the condition doesn't work in this case of refresh. I can see in the apex session that the item P324_MY_CHECKBOX doesn't has the value "A" for example but the corresponding report is still showed.

Resuming, the condition of region doesn't work(is not re-evaluated) if I refresh the region in a Dynamic Action.

Has anyone had this kind of problem? Is there an expert or guru to help me?

Thank you for your attention!


1 Answers


Conditions are evaluated on render of the page while dynamic actions are javascript commands that operate on the rendered page.

Instead show all regions without conditions and control the hide/show using your dynamic action.