I am trying wrap my head around a way to produce the following result from a Mondrian cube.
Sample Values:
Year Month Sales
---- ----- -----
2015 Jan 10
2015 Feb 11
2015 Mar 12
2015 Apr 10
2015 May 11
2015 Jun 12
Jan-Mar 2015 | Apr-Jun 2015
Sales Sum | 33 | 33
Sales Average | 11 | 11
The current MDX is something like this:
member [Date].[JAN-MAR] as Aggregate([Date].[2015].[3].lag(2):[Date].[2015].[3])
member [Date].[APR-JUN] as Aggregate([Date].[2015].[6].lag(2):[Date].[2015].[6])
member [Measures].[Sales Sum] as Sum([Date].CurrentMember, [Measures].[Sales])
member [Measures].[Sales Average] as Avg([Date].CurrentMember, [Measures].[Sales])
[Date].[APR-JUN]} on columns,
{[Measures].[Sales Sum],
[Measures].[Sales Average]} on rows
from [Cube]
The question is how can I get a row to specify an aggregate to use for the current column period aggregation?
Update (17 Aug 2018)
I think I have found a solution, before I get into that I think I should give more background into the scenario. We are using Mondrian to provide some financial reports. Due to the complexity of the reports combined with the fact that end users must be able to create them we have created our own mini reporting tool.
One of the most common report types is measures on rows and columns with various date aggregations e.g. Three Month Rolling Average / Financial Year to Date etc all based on a report parameter date selection offset.
The complexity comes in where for the same column they want different rows to aggregate differently. An example would be the Financial Year to Date column, some rows measures must be summed, some must be averaged and some must return the closing balance.
I haven't found an easy want to model this in the cube yet :/
However I found a way to get it to work by mistake that seems relevantly robust and is also fast. As it turns out Mondrian does not validate member attributes, i.e. you can declare and reference whatever member attributes you want. This has turned out to provide an easy way to can get access to the correct date slice and perform whatever aggregate I want e.g:
member [Date].[JAN-MAR] as Aggregate([Date].[2015].[3].lag(2):[Date].[2015].[3]), START_MONTH_MEMBER='[Date].[2015].[1]', END_MONTH_MEMBER='[Date].[2015].[3]'
member [Date].[APR-JUN] as Aggregate([Date].[2015].[6].lag(2):[Date].[2015].[6]), START_MONTH_MEMBER='[Date].[2015].[4]', END_MONTH_MEMBER='[Date].[2015].[6]'
member [Measures].[Sales Sum] as Sum([Date].CurrentMember, [Measures].[Sales])
member [Measures].[Sales Average] as Avg(StrToMember([Date].CurrentMember.Properties('START_MONTH_MEMBER')):StrToMember([Date].CurrentMember.Properties('END_MONTH_MEMBER')), [Measures].[Sales])
[Date].[APR-JUN]} on columns,
{[Measures].[Sales Sum],
[Measures].[Sales Average]} on rows
from [Cube]
So far this works well. One thing that doesn't work is I cannot get StrToSet to work. In theory you should be able to declare a set in the with member property and then use the in the measure.
So this what I have working for now, would love some feedback on that?