I'm using cefclient in my application pretty much as is, except for the entry point (cefclient_win.cc
I start it up and a browser window shows up but nothing gets loaded in it.
After a while the refresh button is enabled, but clicking it does nothing as well.
In the log file I get this:
[0714/170658:WARNING:ipc_channel_win.cc(276)] Unable to create pipe "\\.\pipe\chrome.5432.0.197852861" in client mode: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
[0714/170713:WARNING:ipc_mojo_bootstrap.cc(214)] Detected error on Mojo bootstrap channel.
[0714/170713:WARNING:channel.cc(130)] WriteMessage() while shutting down
[0714/170714:WARNING:ipc_channel_win.cc(276)] Unable to create pipe "\\.\pipe\chrome.5432.1.123441216" in client mode: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
[0714/170730:ERROR:process_win.cc(134)] Unable to terminate process: Access is denied. (0x5)
[0714/170730:WARNING:ipc_channel_win.cc(276)] Unable to create pipe "\\.\pipe\chrome.5432.2.118634471" in client mode: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
[0714/170742:ERROR:process_win.cc(134)] Unable to terminate process: Access is denied. (0x5)
[0714/170742:WARNING:ipc_channel_win.cc(276)] Unable to create pipe "\\.\pipe\chrome.5432.3.396064" in client mode: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
Here's how I start the cefclient:
void MyCefApp::start() {
this->browserHandler = new client::ClientAppBrowser();
this->browserThread = boost::thread(boost::bind(&MyCefApp::run, this));
void MyCefApp::run() {
CefMainArgs mainArgs(GetModuleHandle(nullptr));
void* sandboxInfo = nullptr;
#if defined(CEF_USE_SANDBOX)
CefScopedSandboxInfo scopedSandbox;
sandboxInfo = scopedSandbox.sandbox_info();
CefRefPtr<CefCommandLine> commandLine = CefCommandLine::CreateCommandLine();
scoped_ptr<client::MainContextImpl> context(new client::MainContextImpl(commandLine, true));
CefSettings settings;
CefString(&settings.resources_dir_path) = RESOURCES_DIR_PATH;
CefString(&settings.locales_dir_path) = LOCALES_DIR_PATH;
#if !defined(CEF_USE_SANDBOX)
settings.no_sandbox = true;
scoped_ptr<client::MainMessageLoop> messageLoop;
if (settings.multi_threaded_message_loop) {
messageLoop.reset(new client::MainMessageLoopMultithreadedWin);
} else {
messageLoop.reset(new client::MainMessageLoopStd);
context->Initialize(mainArgs, settings, this->browserHandler, sandboxInfo);
settings.windowless_rendering_enabled ? true : false,
int result = messageLoop->Run();
I run the application on windows (8.1) and not using the sandbox mode.
Any ideas as for what's happening here and why?
In my main function I check the process type:
if (MyCefApp::IsCefProcess()) {
return MyCefApp::RunCefProcess();
If it's indeed a CEF process (meaning that it's not client::ClientApp::BrowserProcess) then I do:
int MyCefApp::RunCefProcess() {
CefMainArgs mainArgs(GetModuleHandle(nullptr));
void* sandboxInfo = nullptr;
CefRefPtr<CefApp> handler;
switch (GetProcessType()) {
case client::ClientApp::RendererProcess:
handler = new client::ClientAppRenderer();
case client::ClientApp::OtherProcess:
handler = new client::ClientAppOther();
return CefExecuteProcess(mainArgs, handler.get(), sandboxInfo);
Cannot use V8 Proxy resolver in single process mode
. From what I've found it was a bug but was supposed to be fixed – Nitzan Tomer