
I'm trying to use Decidable Equality to compare two Vectors of Nats in Agda. I've tried opening the Vector Equality module, passing the Nat DecSetoid as an argument, as follows:

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
import Data.Vec.Equality

myFunction : {n : ℕ} -> Vec ℕ n -> Vec ℕ n -> ℕ 
myFunction v1 v2 
  with v1 Data.Vec.Equality.DecidableEquality.≟ v2
... | _  =  {!!}
    open Data.Vec.Equality.DecidableEquality  (Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.decSetoid Data.Nat._≟_) 

However, I get the following error:

Vec ℕ .n !=< .Relation.Binary.DecSetoid (_d₁_6 v1 v2) (_d₂_7 v1 v2)
of type Set
when checking that the expression v1 has type
.Relation.Binary.DecSetoid (_d₁_6 v1 v2) (_d₂_7 v1 v2)

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Am I using the module system wrong, or do I need to use ≟ differently?


2 Answers


The problem here is that the where clause does not bring the identifiers in scope for the expressions in the with. So when you use Data.Vec.Equality.DecidableEquality.≟, you're not refering to the one specialised to vectors of natural numbers but to the general one define in Data.Vec.Equality. That's why Agda expects a DecSetoid as the first argument and complains.

A possible fix is to name the module you are interested in first and then used a qualified name to refer to its _≟_. I've taken the liberty of using shorter names by defining aliases via as:

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PropEq
import Data.Vec.Equality as VecEq

module VecNatEq = VecEq.DecidableEquality (PropEq.decSetoid Data.Nat._≟_)

myFunction : {n : ℕ} -> Vec ℕ n -> Vec ℕ n -> ℕ 
myFunction v1 v2 
  with v1 VecNatEq.≟ v2
... | _  =  {!!}

You can also define, import and open modules locally:

open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
import Data.Vec.Equality as VE

myFunction : {n : ℕ} -> Vec ℕ n -> Vec ℕ n -> ℕ 
myFunction v1 v2 with let module DVE = VE.DecidableEquality (decSetoid _≟_) in v1 DVE.≟ v2
... | _ = {!!}

However you don't really need with in your case — pattern matching lambda is enough:

open import Function
open import Relation.Nullary

myFunction : {n : ℕ} -> Vec ℕ n -> Vec ℕ n -> ℕ 
myFunction v1 v2 = case v1 DVE.≟ v2 of λ
    { (no  p) -> {!!}
    ; (yes p) -> {!!}
  where module DVE = VE.DecidableEquality (decSetoid _≟_)