We can use several font styles in a swing application and can assign different font style for different swing text fields. But is there any way to configure one JTextField in java swing application to support multi languages. For example input is address.
12B "street name in other language"
JTextField field = new JTextField("example",30);
Font font = new Font("Courier", Font.BOLD,12);
How can we achieve this? is there any font that support dual font style (English + French).
Also need to send typed text into database and retrieve back with same format. So I think it is not possible to switch between font dynamically.
If we consider Microsoft word we can use multiple fonts in a single page. So there should be a algorithm to save typed letters with respective font. how can we make this kind of behavior in swing without making two text fields for different language inputs.
s, each with different language. Take away the individual borders and you have your own, customizable, multi language display field. – Ian2thedv