In Julia v0.3.10 on Ubuntu 14.04, I need to pass parameters and data to an objective function for use in an optimisation routine using NLopt in Julia. The following example code demonstrates how I currently do this:
function estimate(myModel, myData, myInitialValue, nloptAlgorithm, numberOfParameters)
opt = Opt(nloptAlgorithm, numberOfParameters)
localObjectiveFunction = ((param, grad) -> generic_objective_function(param, grad, myModel, myData))
min_objective!(opt, localObjectiveFunction)
(objFuncOpt, paramOpt, flag) = optimize(opt, myInitialValue)
function generic_objective_function(param, grad, myModel, myData)
#some code
This works, although suffers from the issue that localObjectiveFunction
is anonymous so the compiler will not be able to determine the output type of the function at run-time, which in turn has performance implications.
I'm simply wondering if there is a better way to deal with this problem? Should I be using FastAnonymous
? Or is there another form of magic that gets around this issue?