
I was using ejabberd as my XMPP server. Right now I just switched to Prosody for testing purpose. Installation and configuration everything goes fine. But while starting the openfire server like sudo service prosody start it raises me the error of

There is no 'pidfile' option in the configuration file, see http://prosody.im/doc/prosodyctl#pidfile

I went through the pidfile doc link but cant find my solution how to overcome with this.

Right now my pidfile path is at /var/run/prosody/prosody.pid and documentation says we can change to the present directory too. I tried a lot and can't find solution.

Please help me with this and need some suggestions


1 Answers


I had this same issue with error on a centos

I had defined the VirtualHost above the pidfile definition. I moved the VirtualHost after and service prosody start and it worked fine