
Before iOS 9 to reference fonts we used fontWithName of UIFont:

[UIFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue" size:18]

Now we're moving to iOS 9. How to reference a new San Francisco font in the same way?

We can use it with systemFontOfSize of UIFont, but how to reference styles other than regular? For example, how to use San Francisco Medium or San Francisco Light fonts?

This kind of sounds like a thing that is going to be in the iOS9 developer docs. Have you looked there yet? (If so, and it's not in there, that's worth putting in your answer. If not, step one is to look there)Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans

3 Answers


In iOS 9 it is the system font, so you could do:

let font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(18)

You can use the font name directly, but I don't think this is safe:

let font = UIFont(name: ".SFUIText-Medium", size: 18)!

You can also create the font with specific weight, like so:

let font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(18, weight: UIFontWeightMedium)


let font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(18, weight: UIFontWeightLight)

Swift 4

label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 22, weight: UIFont.Weight.bold)


  • Xcode Version 10.2.1 (10E1001), Swift 5


import UIKit

extension UIFont {

    enum Font: String {
        case SFUIText = "SFUIText"
        case SFUIDisplay = "SFUIDisplay"

    private static func name(of weight: UIFont.Weight) -> String? {
        switch weight {
            case .ultraLight: return "UltraLight"
            case .thin: return "Thin"
            case .light: return "Light"
            case .regular: return nil
            case .medium: return "Medium"
            case .semibold: return "Semibold"
            case .bold: return "Bold"
            case .heavy: return "Heavy"
            case .black: return "Black"
            default: return nil

    convenience init?(font: Font, weight: UIFont.Weight, size: CGFloat) {
        var fontName = ".\(font.rawValue)"
        if let weightName = UIFont.name(of: weight) { fontName += "-\(weightName)" }
        self.init(name: fontName, size: size)


guard let font = UIFont(font: .SFUIText, weight: .light, size: 14) else { return }

// ...

let font = UIFont(font: .SFUIDisplay, weight: .bold, size: 17)!