I have two swf, one loads the other using a Loader class, in the loaded swf I have a NetConnection object which I need to access from the host swf, but I can't, if I debug the app, I see the obejct is there, but I can't access it, if I try to set a variable like
loadedSWF = connectorLoader.content (connectorLoader is the Loader object)
loadedSWF is always null
If I debig the app, I see the NetConnection in the loaded SWF, but I can't have access to it, I have try to use Security.allowDomain("*") in both swf to be sure, but nothing, I thought that only doing the allowDomain method I will have access to the loaded SWF objects
I'm usign Flas Player version 10.1
thanks! for any help
loadedSWF = connectorLoader.content;
from the complete event handler? If not read this thread – Amarghosh