I have a problem zooming in on a line chart with a dateTimeAxis as horizontal axis. I want to zoom in and out, by setting the minimum and the maximum attribute of the dateTimeAxis with a slider. The date labels change as should, but the lines disappear as I set the minimum or the maximum.
Here's a part of the code I have:
private function updateBoundariesFromSlider():void
leftBoundary = slider.values[0];
rightBoundary = slider.values[1];
private function updateMainData():void
dateAxis.minimum = new Date(leftBoundary);
dateAxis.maximum = new Date(rightBoundary);
public function setChartData( data:XML, shown:Array, minDate:Date, maxDate:Date ):void
globalLeftBoundary = minDate.getTime();
globalRightBoundary = maxDate.getTime();
leftBoundary = minDate.getTime();
rightBoundary = maxDate.getTime();
for each( var s:String in shown )
var localXML:XMLList = data.track.(type == s);
// Create the new series and set its properties.
var localSeries:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
localSeries.dataProvider = localXML;
localSeries.yField = "value";
localSeries.xField = "time";
localSeries.displayName = s;
hAxis = new DateTimeAxis();
hAxis.dataUnits = "minutes";
hAxis.dataInterval = 1;
hAxis.labelFunction = showLabel;
hAxis.alignLabelsToUnits = true;
hAxis.parseFunction = createDate;
//hAxis.minimum = new Date( leftBoundary );
//hAxis.maximum = new Date( rightBoundary );
Alert.show( (new Date( leftBoundary )).toString());
dateAxis = hAxis;
private function createDate(s:String):Date {
var dateTime:Array = s.split(" ");
var date:Array = dateTime[0].split("-");
var time:Array = dateTime[1].split(":");
var newDate:Date = new Date(date[0],date[1],date[2],time[0],time[1],time[2]);
return newDate;
<mx:LineChart id="lineChart" left="10" top="10" bottom="47" right="10" series="{mySeries}" horizontalAxis="{dateAxis}" />
<mx:Legend dataProvider="{lineChart}" height="23" bottom="16" left="10" id="legend" width="100"/>
<flexlib:HSlider id="slider" height="25"
allowTrackClick="true" allowThumbOverlap="false"
liveDragging="true" change="updateBoundariesFromSlider()"
thumbCount="2" snapInterval="0"
values="{[leftBoundary, rightBoundary]}"
minimum="{globalLeftBoundary}" maximum="{globalRightBoundary}"
right="50" left="198" y="155"