
I am new to claims data and relatively new to SQL...and would greatly appreciate your help.

I have data similar to this:

Customer    Group   Member  ServiceDt
ABCDE       123     1111    01-Jan-12
            123     1111    01-Feb-12
            123     1111    01-Mar-12
            123     1112    01-Feb-12
            123     1112    01-Mar-12
FGHIJ       456     1116    01-Feb-12
KLMNO       567     1117    01-Mar-12
            678     1118    01-Feb-12
            789     1119    01-Mar-12

A member can have one entry per month to indicate active enrollment date. So, a member can have 24 rows for two years' worth of enrollment. Another could have just five rows and so on...Each member is a part of a group who in turn are a part of a customer. (A customer could have multiple groups - with many members in each group and each member has a row per month).

I need to evaluate continuous enrollment from the service date going back 12 months and then going ahead 12 months ( an year of enrollment before and after the service date) and then roll it up to group by CUSTOMER and GROUP numbers.

I have tried intck/intcx functions but seem to be doing something wrong. When I try the first. and last. way, I am getting lost. This data is so new to me.:)

Here are snippets of the code (not including the server connection stuff) I tried so far:

beg1ylag = intnx('month',&eff ,-12,'m');
add1yfut = intnx('month',&eff , 12,'m');

If first.member_id then do;
    mth_cnt     = 0;
    lag_mth_cnt = 0;
    fut_mth_cn  = 0;

  if eff_dt < servicedt then lag_mth_cnt+1;
  if eff_dt > servicedt then fut_mth_cnt+1;

  if last.member_id then output;

Proc SQL;
Select (x,y,z

 beg1ylag = intnx('month',servicedt,-12,'m');
 add1yfut = intnx('month',servicedt, 12,'m');

call symput('_beg1ylag',cats("'",year(beg1ylag),'-',put(month(beg1ylag),z2.),"Middle'"));
call symput('_add1yfut',cats("'",year(add1yfut),'-',put(month(add1yfut),z2.),"Middle'"));

The result I get is empty rows. I don't know what I am doing or doing wrong....please guide me. Also, please note that the serviced is NOT fixed. Each member can have a different one - as you can see above. Ultimately, I need to be able to pick members and group them by their group number if they have had 24 months of continuous membership around the servicedt.

Would you mind providing an expected output?yukclam9
Please give details of your input data tables. Please be precise about rules for 12 months past and future. What type of healthcare claims are you dealing with, and is this insurance in U.S.? The requirements you've given seem extremely simplistic for health insurance, and the numerous factors and situations that can be involved. What is business reason for the 12 months of future coverage, and what are those requirements?WarrenT
Where does your macro variable &eff come from? Are you looking for members having enrolled continuously from 12 months before till 12 months after a certain date? (That's 25 months, not 24!) Unless you are involved in big data, why do you ad the [ds2] tag? Why do you tag your question as [continuous]? It has nothing to do with this statistical concept.Dirk Horsten
@yukclam9: I will put together a table in a little. Thank you for your time.Sri
@WarrenT: The present table is enrollment related, in a US healthcare insurance system. There are several other requirements but for the purposes of my analysis, I am stuck here but have resolved other parts of the query that I needed to. The business customer wants some summary of trends that need me to compare the before and after. About the 12 months, they insist on uninterrupted coverage for the previous 12 months and 12 in the future. Thank you for your time.Sri

2 Answers


If I interpret your question well, you need

%let eff = '01Feb2012'd;
%let span = 12;

Title "Members enrolled continuously from &span months before &eff till &span months after &eff";
proc sql;
    select Customer, Group, Member
    from   enrol
    where  ServiceDt between intnx('month',&eff ,-&span,'b') and intnx('month',&eff ,+&span,'b')
    group by Customer, Group, Member
    having count(*) EQ 1 + INTCK('month', intnx('month',&eff ,-&span,'b'), intnx('month',&eff ,+&span,'b'));

Note that you should use intnx with 'b' for beginning, not 'm' for middle as your data mentions begin of month dates too.


If your source data is in a SAS dataset and you can run SAS code on the server where the data resides, the following is extremely efficient.

%let span = 12;

Data Continuous (keep=Customer Group Member eff);
    set Service;
    by Customer Group Member ServiceDt;

** For each new member or interuption of service start a new Continuous service interval **;

    retain From;
    if first.Member or dif(ServiceDt) GT 31 
        then From = ServiceDt;

** If service started at least 2 span months ago then span months ago is the centre of a sufficiently long continuous service interval **;

    if INTCK('month', From, ServiceDt) GE %eval(2 * &span) then do;
        eff = intnx('month', ServiceDt,-&span,'b');

It gives your results for every possible service interval centre (=eff) at once.