
When I go to Test > Analyze Code coverage > All Tests, the output is "0 found". How do I get Visual Studio 2013 to pick up my XUnit tests?

This shows up in the output window the first time I try (Output > Tests).

------ Discover test started ------

NUnit VS Adapter discovering tests is started

NUnit VS Adapter discovering test is finished

========== Discover test finished: 0 found (0:00:00.4240424) ==========

If I try a second time, the output window is blank.

Am I supposed to look somewhere else?

I'm using ReSharper to run my tests. ReSharper works, but VS's Test > Run all Tests doesn't find any tests either.

Did you install the xUnit.NET add on? If not, VS is only capable of finding MSTest and NUnit test cases.Lex Li
What plugin? xunit.net runner is deprecatedHoppe
Have you applied the NuGet package?xunit.github.io/docs/running-tests-in-vs.htmlLex Li

1 Answers


As per Lex Li, I installed the NuGet package xunit.runner.visualstudio, which resolved the issue