I've got a view control which opens an xpage. When the xpage opens, the beforePageLoad event fires. It checks to see if there are any attachments in a particular field of the document being opened and if there are, it returns list of the filenames. This was working fine. Then, I was asked to change what's displayed in one of the columns of the view. I added a variable to the view control's data section to access the row. I then added some javascript to the column to display the data differently. That worked and it displayed the data as wanted. However, when I now click on the link to open the xpage, when the beforePageLoad event fires, the code that's there now fails. It fails with this error at the starred line:
Script interpreter error, line=9, col=49: 'closureField' is null at
function ReturnListOfClosureAttachmentNames(ltDoc ){
var closureAttachmentFileNames = "";
var thisLT = ltDoc;
var closureField:NotesRichTextItem = thisLT.getFirstItem("closeAttachments");
*>>> var eos:java.util.Vector = closureField.getEmbeddedObjects();<<<
var eosi:java.util.Iterator = eos.iterator();
while (eosi.hasNext()) {
var eo:NotesEmbeddedObject = eosi.next();
closureAttachmentFileNames = closureAttachmentFileNames +","+eo.getName();
return closureAttachmentFileNames;
I call this function from the beforePageLoad event and pass it currentDocument.getDocument(). I think I might have lost the document context after changing the column display data from 'view column' to 'computed value' but I'm not sure. Any ideas would be appreciated.