I have requirement and need a suggestion from you guys. In the below I will state my requirement.
I have a SharePoint 2013 Publishing Site. This has custom master pages build using some HTML files and custom page layouts. The client needs to follow the styles according to the clients style guide. For the master pages and the page layouts the styling was not an issue. The content needed to be follow the same styles as guided by the clients style guide. So we have used 'Script editor' web part to insert the content. But this has a bad influence only the technically skilled users can insert the content. But if we use the Content editor web part we do not need to use HTML code to insert the content. But the issue is the default content editor web part does not has the styles that relevant to the clients style guide. Can we create an our own content editor web part that reflect the clients style guide using Visual studio ? I hope these information is enough to get an idea.
Thanks and regards,