
Having trouble figuring out how to open a visual studio workitem directly in visual studio, without resorting to the web interface.

Right now, I have an autohotkey script that parses the # and just executes a shortcut to GO TO WORKITEM > Enters number and then proceeds. However, I'd really like to open the workitem directly via command line or URI.

I've tried syntax such as test syntax However, this gives me an error like this: enter image description here

I've validated the full default collection name we use with our TFS admin. In addition, before it gives me the error, it opens a brand new instance of VS2013, instead of opening in the existing instance.

I hope someone could shed light on a way to open a workitem directly via command line/URI, etc. Ideally, I want to embed the URI/LINK in Onenote 2013 so I can click on the link and go straight to the workitem in Visual studio.

Ideally, the solution needs to be outside an extension (as previous questions have focused on API/extension actions doing this). I am hoping there is some way to correctly pass the command line argument, or URI and open the workitem, without requiring an extension.

@DaveShaw thanks! I definitely looked at that post first. The problem is that post focuses specifically "inside extension". I'm trying avoid developing an extension or anything more complex. I was hoping there is a better way to trigger this action based on command line, URI, or some other method. Please don't close this as a dup as the scope is different. thanks!sheldonhull
I can't retract my vote, but I don't think anyone else will vote to close now. I tried a number of command lines last night and managed to get a tab with a WI ID but no content.DaveShaw
I have not had luck either. Seems like with some much extensibility there would be a way!sheldonhull
If your goal is to show a work item, use the web interface URL, e.g. _http://MyServer:8080/tfs/MyCollection/MyProject/_workitems/edit/12345Giulio Vian

1 Answers


From the command line (DOS), use START + the path... START vstfs:///WorkItemTracking/WorkItem/999999?url=http://MY.SERVER:8080/tfs/defaultcollection

You can create a batch file and pass in the work item number to make it easier.