I want to perform operation on the region of my interest..that is central rectangular table which you can see in the image.
I am able to give the co-ordinates of my region of interest manually and crop that part
img = cv2.imread('test12.jpg',0)
box = img[753:1915,460:1315]
but i want to crop that part automatically without giving the pixels or coordinates manually.Can anyone please help me with this?
http://picpaste.com/test12_-_Copy-BXqHMAnd.jpg this is my original image.
http://picpaste.com/boxdemo-zHz57dBM.jpg this is my cropped image.
for doing this I entered the coordinates of the desired region and cropped.
But , now i have to deal with many similar images where the coordinates of my region of interest will slightly vary. I want a method which will detect the table(my region of interest) and crop it.
Currently I'm using this
img = cv2.imread('test12.jpg',0)
box = img[753:1915,460:1315]
to crop my image.