
I have a customer who really wants to keep a very long naming convention during a migration to a new database. The new database uses Crystal Reports for reporting. I have gotten an ok to shorten the naming convention somewhat to "shortened name-date" with all of the other pertinent information parsed out into new fields.

However, one of the users who does a lot of the reporting has now said that one of the most tedious parts of her job was parsing out the old names so she could have a simple, high level, parent name for executive reports. With the new naming convention, she will still need to parse the field to get just the shortened name as her executive-level parent name. If I can't manage to get the ok to drop the date from this field, can Crystal reports be used to parse the field at the "-" similar to parsing the data using Excel? What I'm looking for is that her reports would have a formula that generates the executive-level short name behind the scenes so she doesn't have to think about it.

The date already exists in a date field, so parsing out the date from the name would not change other report functionality. Ideally, I would want to enter the data already separated out and concatenate fields per each user's particular needs, but I may not be able to do. Any info would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Can you provide an example of what the long data field(s) looks like and what you want the parsed field to look like? A before and after :)CoSpringsGuy
provide an example on how data looks like and how want to look likeSiva
Thanks, yes, here's an example: -Previous database event name: "XYZ Conference - 10/12/2014 - at the ABC Event Center - with John, Jill, and Joe - A Look into Biofilms" -User would use Text to Columns to get "XYZ Conference" for her report. -New database better but same issue, field name is now: "XYZ Conference - 10/12/2014" -She would like Crystal Reports to parse the field for her so the output in is simply "XYZ Conference"Larissa C

1 Answers


I think you are looking for this...
