I've been using the RefundTransaction method for a long time. I've successfully applied partial and full refunds using end point: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/merchant/RefundTransaction_API_Operation_NVP/
When I added INVOICE parameter previous week to set unique information on refund data, responses started to fail.
$refundArr = array(
'TRANSACTIONID' => $transactionId,
'REFUNDTYPE' => 'Partial',
'AMT' => $refundAmount,
'CURRENCYCODE' => $refundCurrency,
'INVOICEID' => $orderId
Sample response is:
{"TIMESTAMP":"2015-07-06T08:11:52Z","CORRELATIONID":"****4dee2****","ACK":"Failure","VERSION":"106.0","BUILD":"********","L_ERRORCODE0":"10001","L_SHORTMESSAGE0":"Internal Error","L_LONGMESSAGE0":"The transaction could not be loaded","L_SEVERITYCODE0":"Error","REFUNDSTATUS":"None","PENDINGREASON":"None"}
So I thought INVOICEID works as a conditional parameter to find original checkout transaction. Can you give me detailed information about this issue?
Best Regards