I want to more fully address the issue of scroll duration, which, should you choose any earlier answer, will in fact will vary dramatically (and unacceptably) according to the amount of scrolling necessary to reach the target position from the current position .
To obtain a uniform scroll duration the velocity (pixels per millisecond) must account for the size of each individual item - and when the items are of non-standard dimension then a whole new level of complexity is added.
This may be why the RecyclerView developers deployed the too-hard basket for this vital aspect of smooth scrolling.
Assuming that you want a semi-uniform scroll duration, and that your list contains semi-uniform items then you will need something like this.
/** Smoothly scroll to specified position allowing for interval specification. <br>
* Note crude deceleration towards end of scroll
* @param rv Your RecyclerView
* @param toPos Position to scroll to
* @param duration Approximate desired duration of scroll (ms)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException */
private static void smoothScroll(RecyclerView rv, int toPos, int duration) throws IllegalArgumentException {
int TARGET_SEEK_SCROLL_DISTANCE_PX = 10000; // See androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearSmoothScroller
int itemHeight = rv.getChildAt(0).getHeight(); // Height of first visible view! NB: ViewGroup method!
itemHeight = itemHeight + 33; // Example pixel Adjustment for decoration?
int fvPos = ((LinearLayoutManager)rv.getLayoutManager()).findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();
int i = Math.abs((fvPos - toPos) * itemHeight);
if (i == 0) { i = (int) Math.abs(rv.getChildAt(0).getY()); }
final int totalPix = i; // Best guess: Total number of pixels to scroll
RecyclerView.SmoothScroller smoothScroller = new LinearSmoothScroller(rv.getContext()) {
@Override protected int getVerticalSnapPreference() {
return LinearSmoothScroller.SNAP_TO_START;
@Override protected int calculateTimeForScrolling(int dx) {
int ms = (int) ( duration * dx / (float)totalPix );
// Now double the interval for the last fling.
if (dx < TARGET_SEEK_SCROLL_DISTANCE_PX ) { ms = ms*2; } // Crude deceleration!
//lg(format("For dx=%d we allot %dms", dx, ms));
return ms;
//lg(format("Total pixels from = %d to %d = %d [ itemHeight=%dpix ]", fvPos, toPos, totalPix, itemHeight));
PS: I curse the day I began indiscriminately converting ListView to RecyclerView.