
I am new to hadoop and I have a problem.

The problem is I want give someone to use hdfs command, but cannot give them root password, So everything that needed "sudo" or "su hdfs" could not work. I have the reason that i cannot give others root permission.

I have found some solution like:

Create a group, change and let the group have HDFS permission, and add a user in, so that user would have HDFS permission. I had try it but fail.

So, I want to let a user be able to use hdfs commands without using "sudo -su hdfs" command or any command needed sudo permission. Could you tell me how to set the related settings or files with deeper details or any useful reference website ? Thank you all!

hdfs command does not need sudo. You should execute hdfs commands as hadoop user and not as root user.Rajesh N

2 Answers


I believe by just setting the permission of /usr/bin/hdfs to be '-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root' ,other accounts should be able to execute the command hdfs successfully. have you tried it?


Rajest is right, 'hdfs command does not need sudo', probably you are using 'sudo -su hdfs' because command is attacking to path where only user 'hdfs' has permissions, you must organize data for your users.

A workarround (if you are not using kerberos) for using hdfs with any user is executing this line before working: