
I have a function to read a file using the read() system call and return a char pointer with the data read from the file. The function reallocates space if necessary. After a specific point the read fails with the error "Bad Address". The minimum code which fails is show below:

#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

const unsigned BUFSIZE = 8192;

typedef struct
    char* buffer;
    long size;
} string_t;

string_t read_file(const char* path)
    string_t error = { .buffer = NULL, .size = -1 };
    int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd == -1) {
        perror("open() failed in read_file");
        return error;

    string_t s;
    s.buffer = malloc(BUFSIZE * sizeof(char));
    s.size = 0;

    int nread = 0;
    long total_read = 0;

    while ((nread = read(fd, s.buffer + total_read, BUFSIZE)) != 0) {
        if (nread == -1) {
            if (errno == EINTR) {
                perror("error EINTR");
            } else {
                perror("read() failed in read_file");
                return error;
        } else {
            printf("%ld %ld %d\n", total_read, s.size, nread);
            total_read += nread;
            s.size = total_read;
            if (nread == BUFSIZE) {
                if (realloc(s.buffer, s.size + BUFSIZE) == NULL) {
                    perror("out of memory...");
                    return error;

    s.buffer[s.size] = 0;
    return s;

int main()
    const char* path = "/usr/share/dict/cracklib-small";

    string_t s = read_file(path);
    if (s.size == -1) {
        return 1;

    printf("%s\n", s.buffer);
    return 0;

Running this gives the following:

0 0 8192
8192 8192 8192
16384 16384 8192
24576 24576 8192
32768 32768 8192
40960 40960 8192
49152 49152 8192
57344 57344 8192
65536 65536 8192
73728 73728 8192
81920 81920 8192
90112 90112 8192
98304 98304 8192
106496 106496 8192
114688 114688 8192
122880 122880 8192
131072 131072 8192
read() failed in read_file: Bad address

Valgrind shows:

==4299== Syscall param read(buf) points to unaddressable byte(s)
==4299==    at 0x5184F00: __read_nocancel (in /usr/lib/libc-2.21.so)
==4299==    by 0x400A58: read_file (file_helpers.c:31)
==4299==    by 0x400AA3: main (file_helpers.c:64)
==4299==  Address 0x7568040 is 0 bytes after a block of size 8,192 free'd
==4299==    at 0x4C2C29E: realloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==4299==    by 0x400A12: read_file (file_helpers.c:46)
==4299==    by 0x400AA3: main (file_helpers.c:64)

I can see it complains about the realloc but I do not understand what is causing the bad address error. Is the buffer to which read() writes getting corrupt somehow after the last realloc()?

wc -c reports the file on which the function is run to have 477238 bytes.

Thank you. This question can be used as an example for "How to write a Good Question".Sourav Ghosh
Is there a good reason not to use fstat() to determine the file size, allocate the space, and then read it all at once?Jonathan Leffler
I was writing a crawler as a side project and wanted to see how reading from a socket worked without knowing the size of the response so I thought I would try out reading from a file first.abhijat
a few notes: 1) the expression 'sizeof(char)' always returns 1 and has no effect on the call to malloc(). It just clutters the code. Suggest removing that expression from any calls to malloc() 2) the call to read() is always asking for BUF_SIZE bytes, but after any bytes are read, there is not BUF_SIZE bytes available in the input buffer. Suggest using: 'while ((nread = read(fd, s.buffer + total_read, BUFSIZE-total_read)) != 0) {'user3629249
a few notes, continued 3) passing a complete struct is not a good idea, for several reasons. Suggest passing/returning pointer to struct. 4) after a successful call to malloc() then on an error, the pointer to the allocated memory needs to be passed to free(). 5) the call to realloc() did not save the pointer returned from realloc(). The result is the s.buffer is still pointing to the old allocated memory, which was free'd after the allocated memory was copied to the new allocated memory.user3629249

2 Answers


Your usage of realloc() looks wrong at first sight.

if (realloc(s.buffer, s.size + BUFSIZE) == NULL)

This statement checks if realloc() is successfuil or not. If failure, this handles the case. Fine.

What if realloc() is successful?

As per the man page,

The realloc() function returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory, which is suitably aligned for any kind of variable and may be different from ptr, or NULL if the request fails. If size was equal to 0, either NULL or a pointer suitable to be passed to free() is returned. If realloc() fails the original block is left untouched; it is not freed or moved.

That means, you're losing the newly allocated memory, and using the free()d memory afterwards.

I guess, you'd have expected that realloc() will resize the s.buffer itself, but, I'm afraid, that is not the case here.


You should collect the return value of realloc() in a temporary variable, check against NULL, and if not NULL, assign the same back to the pointer s.buffer.

FWIW, don't use the original pointer itself to collect the return value of realloc(), in case if it fails, you'll lose the actual memory also.


The issue might be with how you are using realloc. realloc(s.buffer, s.size + BUFSIZE) == NULL is not the correct way to use realloc. The return value of realloc taken from here is:

Upon successful completion with a size not equal to 0, realloc() shall return a pointer to the (possibly moved) allocated space. If size is 0, either a null pointer or a unique pointer that can be successfully passed to free() shall be returned. If there is not enough available memory, realloc() shall return a null pointer and set errno to ENOMEM.

The key part is the fact that realloc can move the allocated space and its data. So you cannot just check whether the return value is NULL. You want to do something more along the lines of:

void *tmp = realloc(s.buffer, s.size + BUFSIZE);
if (tmp == NULL) {
  perror("out of memory...");
  free(s.buffer);  // Release the memory to avoid a leak
  return error;
s.buffer = tmp;

In other words update the pointer with the return value of realloc. If the data was not moved, realloc returns the memory addressed passed into it; if it was moved, realloc will return a new address.


Another issue that you probably aren't experiencing is how you handle the return value of read. If read returned less than was requested than you won't realloc more memory and further reads might read past the buffer. You might not experiencing this right now as it will only show if read doesn't fail and doesn't read less than the requested amount of data. A solution, which includes the realloc fix is below:

int nread = 0;
long total_read = 0;
int space_remaining = BUFSIZE;

while ((nread = read(fd, s.buffer + total_read, space_remaining)) != 0) {
        if (nread == -1) {
            if (errno == EINTR) {
                perror("error EINTR");
            } else {
                perror("read() failed in read_file");
                return error;
        } else {
            printf("%ld %ld %d\n", total_read, s.size, nread);
            total_read += nread;
            s.size = total_read;
            space_remaining -= nread;
            if (space_remaining == 0) {
                void *tmp = realloc(s.buffer, s.size + BUFSIZE);
                if (tmp == NULL) {
                    perror("out of memory...");
                    free(s.buffer);  // Release the memory to avoid a leak
                    return error;
                s.buffer = tmp;
                space_remaining = BUFSIZE;

The variable space_remaining is used to keep track how much space is left in the buffer. This is the amount read and is reset when the buffer's size is increased. Since you are realloc-ing more space you do not want to do the typical (BUFSIZE-total_read) pattern that has previously been suggested, although this is the typical pattern one sees.

Again you won't see this problem if read always returns the requested amount of data.