I found a macro and have been using it to import datasets that are given to me in csv format. Now I need to edit it because I have datasets that have an id number in them and I want sas datasets with the same name.
THE csvs are named things like IDSTUDY233_first.csv So I want the sas dataset to be IDSTUDY233_first. It should appear in my work folder.
I thought it would just create a sas dataset for each csv named IDSTUDY233_first or something like that. (and so on and so forth for each additional study). However it's naming this way. IDSTUDY_FIRST and over rights itself for every ID. I am newer to macros and have been trying to figure out WHY it does this and how to fix it. Suggestions?
%let subdir=Y:\filepath\; *MACRO VARIABLE FOR FILEPATH;
filename dir "&subdir.*.csv "; *give the file the name from the path that your at whatever the csv is named;
data new; *create the dataset new it has all those filepath names csv names;
length filename fname $ 200;
infile dir eof=last filename=fname;
input ;
last: filename=fname;
proc sort data=new nodupkey; *sort but don't keep duplicate files;
by filename;
data null; *create the dataset null;
set new;
call symputx(cats('filename',_n_),filename); *call the file name for this observation n;
call symputx(cats('dsn',_n_),compress(scan(filename,-2,'\.'), ,'ka')); *call the dataset for this file compress then read the file;
call symputx('nobs',_n_); *call for the number of observations;
%put &nobs.; *but each observation in;
%macro import; *start the macro import;
%do i=1 %to &nobs; *Do for each fie to number of observations;
proc import datafile="&&filename&i" out=&&dsn&i dbms=csv replace;
%mend import;
*call import macro;
As you can see I added my comments of my understanding. Like I said macros are new to me. I may be incorrect in my understanding. I am guessing the problem is either in
call symputx(cats('dsn',_n_),compress(scan(filename,-2,'\.'), ,'ka'));
or it is in the import statement probably out=&&dsn&i since it rapidly over writes the previous SAS files until it does every one. It's just I need all the sas files not just the last 1.