I created a proxy service with WSO2 ESB 4.8.1 using a complex WSDL using a WSDL import and a lot of schema imports. I can import the original WSDL to SoapUI but not the one generated from the proxy service. WSDL validation gives error
ERROR - RPCMessageReceiver WSDLException (at /wsdl:definitions/wsdl:message1/wsdl:part): faultCode=UNBOUND_PREFIX: Unable to determine namespace of 'null:UpdateConsumerByDMS_v1'.
I found similar problem from https://wso2.org/jira/browse/CARBON-12030. How to solve the problem? Any help appreciated.
Best regards,
I think I could get over this by using the original WSDL with proxy parameters
<parameter name="useOriginalwsdl">true</parameter>
<parameter name="modifyUserWSDLPortAddress">true</parameter>