You could use the physics engine to detect when jumping is enabled, (and this is what I used to do in my game). However I too have noticed significant overhead using the physics engine to detect when a unit was on a surface and that is because contact detection in sprite kit for whatever reason is expensive, even when collisions are already enabled. Even the documentation notes:
For best performance, only set bits in the contacts mask for
interactions you are interested in.
So I found a better solution for my game (which has 25+ simultaneous units that all need surface detection). Instead of going through the physics engine, I just did my own surface calculation and cache the result each game update. Something like this:
final class func getSurfaceID(nodePosition: CGPoint) -> SurfaceID {
//Loop through surface rects and see if position is inside.
What I ended up doing was handling my own surface detection by checking if the bottom point of my unit was inside any of the surface frames. And if your frames are axis-aligned (your rectangles are not rotated) you can perform even faster checks to see if the point is inside the frame.
This is more work in terms of level design because you will need to build an array of surface frames either dynamically from your tiles or manually place surface frames in your world (this is what I did).
Making this change reduced the cpu time spent on surface detection from over 20% to 0.1%. It also allows me to check if any arbitrary point lies on a surface rather than needing to create a physics body (which is unnecessary overhead). However this solution obviously won't work for you if you need to use contact detection.
Now regarding your point about creating one large physics body from smaller ones. You could group adjacent floor tiles using a container node and recreate a physics body that fits the nodes that are grouped. Depending on how your nodes are grouped and how you recycle tiles this can get complicated. A better solution would be to create large physics bodies that just overlap your tiles. This would reduce the number of total physics bodies, as well as the number of detections. And if used in combination with the surface frames solution you could really reduce your overhead.
I'm not sure how your game is designed and what its requirements are. I'm just giving you some possible solutions I looked at when developing surface detection in my game. If you haven't already you should definitely profile your game in instruments to see if contact detection is indeed the source of your overhead. If you game doesn't have a lot of contacts I doubt that this is where the overhead is coming from.