
I want to launch whatsapp from my hybrid application using phonegap. I went through the whatsapp url schemas.It is working fine with iOS . Here is the schema is used for iOS:

href = "whatsapp://send?abid=123&text=hello"

reference from : http://www.whatsapp.com/faq/en/iphone/23559013

As described abid is address book id. If I give correct abid the application redirect to the particular contact.

But as per my reading abid is not possible in android . Currently I am using url with out abid which redirects the application to the recent chats. so is there any way to redirect the application to the particular contact ?


2 Answers


For Android, use Webintent plugin

See whatsapp phonegap plugin.

iOS supports a generic URL scheme for whatsapp ("whatsapp://send?abid=").
However on Android the URL scheme is currently not supported.
This plugin implements the send-via-whatsapp functionality on Android.


Two recent solutions (July 2017)

There's been many changes in that need lately but finally after years I've found, tested and refered two new different solutions that should work with any device (one is official). I've mentioned them in THIS OTHER ANSWER (because S.O. policies I had to put a link to the solution, no duplicates).