
I am trying to convert a long table into wide table in SAS. I have the following data

Team ID Player  Score
1        Andy   12
2       Andy    32
1       Andy    2
3       Andy    0
1       Andy    43
3         Bin   33
1        Bin    23
3        Bin    34
3         Bin   3
1         Bin   12
2        Ray    34
3        Ray    52
2        Ray    11

Now I want to add score of each player teamwise like

Team ID Player  Score
1       Andy    46
1       Ray     34
1       Bin     33
2       Andy    43
2        Ray    52
3         Bin   72
3         Ray   11

Now I want to tanspose the players so that I get one row for each team like this.

Team ID Andy    Ray Bin
1        46     34  33
2        43     52  .
3          .    11  72

I tried with proc transpose and proc means but couldn't find a suitable solution. Will appreciate your help for a sas code.


I don't know what has happened to my tables!Philanthrope
Hi you might want to fix that formatting to aid readability. Also, could you share what code you've tried so far?Alex Lynham
Can you explain how Andy gets a score of 46 in the second table?Robert Penridge
sorry for not posting correct values in table 2 @Robert Penridge my apologies for the incorrect value for Andy, It should be sum of all values of Andy in each team seperately. Anyhow as I had a very very large table what I did in the end is used prom means to sum scores using class statement and then transposing it. Thanks for the ideas.Philanthrope

1 Answers


This might work. First sort your data by "Team":

Proc SORT Data=Have Out=Want1;
by Team;

Then Transpose your data as your variable will be sorted "By Team" (vertical) with "Id Player" (horizontal):

PROC TRANSPOSE Data=Want1 Out=Want2 let;
Id Player;
By Team;
Var Score;