
I've created a Site Workflow of SharePoint 2013 Workflow type in O365 subsite of a site collection. I use Call HTTP web service in workflow: screenshot of my workflow http://www.image-share.com/ijpg-2992-17.html

To parse JSON results I need to use Variable:Index (Integer).

I've tried d/results/([%Variable: Index%])/Title as it is recommended in numerous blog posts (example). But Workflow gets Suspened with the following error:

RequestorId: 8c3e172b-5da7-75d9-0000-000000000000. Details: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the workflow instance. Exception details: System.FormatException: The DynamicValue property 'd/results/([%Variable: Index%])/Title' was incorrectly formatted. at Microsoft.Activities.Dynamic.DynamicValueBuilder.PathSegmentFactory.Parse(String segmentText, String fullPathName) at Microsoft.Activities.Dynamic.DynamicValueBuilder.PathSegmentFactory.Create(String segment, PathSegment next, String path) at Microsoft.Activities.Dynamic.DynamicValueBuilder.PathSegmentFactory.Create(String path) at Microsoft.Activities.GetDynamicValueProperty1.Execute(CodeActivityContext context) at System.Activities.CodeActivity1.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager) at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation) Exception from activity GetDynamicValueProperty Stage 2 Sequence Flowchart Sequence Email30Days.WorkflowXaml_3f207548_d246_4058_82b3_34acf1933b6f

If I use the same but with number (not variable) d/results/(0)/Title it works.

Please, let me know What I'm missing.

please review the following link goo.gl/Tj9vRG it may helpIlya
this article doesn't answer the main question - how to pass variablesAndrew Tsvirko

2 Answers


It seems there was a glitch in SharePoint Designer. When I opened SPD the next time, it started to resolve [%Variable: Index%] just fine.

I've also tried to add slash in the end of string "d/results/(<index>)/" (like in the following article) before I noticed the first time Index began to resolve, however I never added slash at the ending furthemore.


Just FYI to whoever has similar issue, I noticed that in SPD - likely due to some quirk in copying text into string builder window from the web - if I type text manually or paste it, it doesn't seem to recognize it (same error occurs during workflow execution). But if you type into the window:


then click Add or Change Lookups button and reference your variable, then finish typing the text:

  • then it all works well.