
How can I create mouseover text for column names in R shiny data table display. I'm trying to provide some text for users to understand the column names. I checked in DT package also and I couldn't find a solution. I can create labels for column names and display all of them when a user checks a box, this takes a lot of real estate and I don't want that. Any tips?

Are you referring to javascript DataTable in Shiny ?Shiva
Data table that I render in Shiny using renderDataTableSri
Could you please provide a reproducible example. Also, check this out. It might be helpful. Go to 4.3 Callbacks in Options. rstudio.github.io/DT/options.htmlShiva
You may use the title attribute of <th> and create a custom table container. See the section "Custom Table Container" at rstudio.github.io/DTYihui Xie

2 Answers


To expand my comment above, here is an example showing what I meant by using the title attributes:

sketch = htmltools::withTags(table(
  class = 'display',
      th('', title = 'Row Names'),
      th('Sepal.Length', title = 'The Sepal Length'),
      th('Sepal.Width', title = 'The Sepal Width'),
      th('Petal.Length', title = 'The Petal Length'),
      th('Petal.Width', title = 'The Petal Width'),
      th('Species', title = 'Iris Species')
datatable(iris, container = sketch)

And here is another approach using JavaScript (jQuery) to add the title attributes:

datatable(iris, callback = JS("
var tips = ['Row Names', 'The Sepal Length', 'The Sepal Width',
            'The Petal Length', 'The Petal Width'],
    header = table.columns().header();
for (var i = 0; i < tips.length; i++) {
  $(header[i]).attr('title', tips[i]);

You can probably accomplish that using optionsin the renderDataTable() function in Shiny. From the documentation page of DT in Shiny, something like this should work.

renderDataTable(head(iris, 20), options = list(
  initComplete = JS(
    "function(settings, json) {",
            mouseenter: function () {
                //stuff to do on mouse enter
            mouseleave: function () {
                //stuff to do on mouse leave