I want to use anonymous profiles to store and use profile data without authenticated. How to enable anonymous profiles is described on page https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ewfkf772(v=vs.100).aspx
Profiles can also work with anonymous users. Support for anonymous profiles is not enabled by default, so you must explicitly enable it. In addition, when you define profile properties in the Web.config file, you must explicitly make them available individually for anonymous users. Profile properties do not support anonymous access by default because profiles may be designed to work with authenticated users, and many properties are likely to pertain to personal information that is not available for anonymous users.
But I'm not sure, that I can use profile data for anonymous users. It says, that by default I can't use profile data. But not by default, have I ability to use profile data for anonymous users and if "yes" then what should I do? I confused...