
I'm using Glade to design a GUI for my program and I wanted to add a custom icon to a button.

So, I created the button, set Button Content to Label with optional image. Then, I created an GtkImage widget and set the button to use that image:

enter image description here

Now, the image shows up fine in Glade's designer:

enter image description here

but not in the preview:

enter image description here

It just shows the missing resource icon.

I looked at this question on Ask Ubuntu and this one here on SO. However, neither of them provide explanations/solutions for why this is happening this way in Glade, just programmatic solutions.

Does anyone know why this is/how to make the icons show up in the preview?


2 Answers


The proper way to use custom icons is to install them into the icons folder (system being /usr/share/icons/hicolor/*) and then always reference your icon by icon-name which GtkImage takes. What is happening here is likely a path issue where glade is trying to look for the file and cannot find it which of course would not happen when the standard paths are used.


What version of Glade are you using? You might have run into this pre-3.18 bug (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=727914). In any case you should try to build the newest version of Glade using JHBuild (https://developer.gnome.org/jhbuild/stable/getting-started.html). That way you always have access to the newest widgets.