If I'm trying to spawn in enemies in 2 defined areas of the screen (top and bottom with a middle section where they can't spawn in), how do I prevent them from spawning on top of or too near each other .
My sprites are relatively quite small to the screen, and the only suggestion I've found on here is to create an array of possible positions and every time you use one of those positions take it off the list, but first of all I don't know how that would even look, second of all I've got SO many possible positions because I'm working with 5px high sprites, and I want for them to be able to respawn once that area is clear.
My method of choosing top or bottom is just picking a random number 1 or 2, and depending I've got 2 functions that make them either on top or on bottom.
I just need for no 2 objects to spawn in a ball's diameter from each other. Any ideas how to incorporate that into my spawning?
//Create your array and populate it with potential starting points
var posArray = Array<CGPoint>()
posArray.append((CGPoint(x: 1.0, y: 1.0))
posArray.append((CGPoint(x: 1.0, y: 2.0))
posArray.append((CGPoint(x: 1.0, y: 3.0))
//Generate an enemy by rolling the dice and
//remove its start position from our queue
let randPos = Int(arc4random()) % posArray.count
//Play game and wait for enemy to die
//Then repopulate the array with that enemy's start position
This is the recommendation I found, but this gives errors "expected separator" that I don't really know how to fix.
And so really, I'd have to make a HUGE array of possible positions going across the X and Y covering all areas, or is there some better way to do this?