
This should be soo simple but I have spent hours searching for the answer and am truly stuck. I am building a basic Laravel application and am using Guzzle to replace the CURL request I am making at the moment. All the CURL functions utilise raw JSON variables in the body.

I am trying to create a working Guzzle client but the server is respsonding with 'invalid request' and I am just wondering if something fishy is going on with the JSON I am posting. I am starting to wonder if you can not use raw JSON in the Guzzle POST request body? I know the headers are working as I am receiving a valid response from the server and I know the JSON is valid as it is currently working in a CURL request. So I am stuck :-(

Any help would be sooo greatly appreciated.

        $headers = array(
            'NETOAPI_KEY' => env('NETO_API_KEY'),
            'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'NETOAPI_ACTION' => 'GetOrder'

    // JSON Data for API post
    $GetOrder = '{
        "Filter": {
            "OrderID": "N10139",
                "OutputSelector": [

    $client = new client();
    $res = $client->post(env('NETO_API_URL'), [ 'headers' => $headers ], [ 'body' => $GetOrder ]);

    return $res->getBody();
Hey guys. Thanks for the fast reply's. I ended up realising that I am a retard and had the headers and body in separate arrays. Changed this: [ 'headers' => $headers ], [ 'body' => $GetOrder ] To this: [ 'headers' => $headers, 'body' => $GetOrder ]Jason Hill
Even so, you could have used the 'json' option, as demonstrated in my answer; it simplifies a few things.Ja͢ck
Thanks Jack. It was a helpful answer but I have many calls with very long JSON queries and I don't want to have to convert them all into PHP to use the json functionJason Hill
Not sure why you would want to build JSON strings by yourself, it seems rather counterproductive.Ja͢ck

3 Answers


You can send a regular array as JSON via the 'json' request option; this will also automatically set the right headers:

$headers = [
    'NETOAPI_KEY' => env('NETO_API_KEY'),
    'Accept' => 'application/json',
    'NETOAPI_ACTION' => 'GetOrder'

$GetOrder = [
    'Filter' => [
        'OrderID' => 'N10139',
        'OutputSelector' => ['OrderStatus'],

$client = new client();
$res = $client->post(env('NETO_API_URL'), [
    'headers' => $headers, 
    'json' => $GetOrder,

Guzzle 7 Here

The below worked for me with raw json input

    $data = array(
       'customer' => '89090',
       'username' => 'app',
       'password' => 'pwd'  
    $url = "http://someendpoint/API/Login";
    $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
    $response = $client->post($url, [
        'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Accept' => 'application/json'],
        'body'    => json_encode($data)
    print_r(json_decode($response->getBody(), true));

For some reasons until I used the json_decode on the response, the output wasn't formatted.


You probably need to set the body mime type. This can be done easily using the setBody() method.

$request = $client->post(env('NETO_API_URL'), ['headers' => $headers]);
$request->setBody($GetOrder, 'application/json');