I am currently working with the Soundcloud app, but I am now stuck. I am using the HTTP API not the Widget one. I import a list of tracks of each album on my site, with a play/pause button. What I want is that each play/pause button per track can be controlled.
Now on Codeacademy they will use:
SC.stream('/tracks/108816655', function(sound) {
$('#start').click(function(e) {
$('#stop').click(function(e) {
This is working fine, but it doesn't fit my wishes. Because how can I achieve the current trackID to play that specific song?
I came up like this. It will fit almost my wishes. It plays that specific song now and it will playing that song when you play another one. Only what I am missing is the possibility that I can pause that song of that specific track. All of this I want to do with one button and toggle that class. But I doesn't know if this is the correct way of how to achieve this.
$('.play').click(function(event) {
var trackID = $(this).closest('li').attr('data-id'); // Even kijken hoe je de li kunt krijgen omdat je nested nested hebt omdat ik nu gebruik maak van td dus de parent is geen li maar td
$('#playlist li').removeClass('active');
$(this).toggleClass('play pause');
if (nowPlaying) {
SC.stream('/tracks/' + trackID, function(sound) {
nowPlaying = sound;
I tried to make a JSFiddle, but I can't get the link to Soundcloud API done. Sorry for this. Here is the jsfiddle.
Before my code I use the soundcloud SC.initialize
function, where I define the client_id
and redirect_uri