Whenever I am fetching data from Bigquery table with specifying more than 100000 records, its giving me below error
Running Query : SELECT action_payout FROM [FreeBStaging.fb_appreporting] LIMIT 1000000 Exception in component tBigQueryInput_1 com.google.api.client.googleapis.json.GoogleJsonResponseException: 404 Not Found { "code" : 404, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "Not found: Table igneous-study-87009:_165c6d3f4b2c1dbd0d644a1155ebebf7f2dbacfd.anon22fbed90bfc239ef84ee0345744d6cda6052a060", "reason" : "notFound" } ], "message" : "Not found: Table igneous-study-87009:_165c6d3f4b2c1dbd0d644a1155ebebf7f2dbacfd.anon22fbed90bfc239ef84ee0345744d6cda6052a060" }
Even if I don’t specify the limit its giving me error. Its working fine for less than 100000 records.